About Online Web Classes

     Pass Math Class offers great online classes on topics that range from basic pre-algebra to special relativity. The class is an hour-long session online. When you log in and enter the classroom, you will see the lecture notes on your screen. You will also be able to see any notes your instructor writes down as you listen to his or her explanation of the concepts. If you have any questions during the class, you can type them in a private chat to the instructor or ask so everyone can hear. Either way, the instructor will explain the concept you are stuck on in detail.

     If there is a particular class you would like us to offer but do not see it listed in our available classes, just go to "Request A Class" and let us know. Our goal is to make learning math as easy as possible. We want everybody to be able to learn the math they want to. Whether you are an elementary school student who wants to learn calculus or a college English or fine arts major who needs to fulfill one semester of algebra to graduate, or anywhere between, we are here to help you!!! We will help you to get anything from math that you want.

     As always, if you have any suggestions on how we can be better at our job, please Contact Us.

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